My name is Marlo and I am 12 years old and I live near Coffs Harbour. I love the environment and live on an acreage with my family and our chickens, rabbits, a dog and our bees. I’m in year 7 and my favourite subject is Human Society and it’s Environment. I play the violin and I am in two ensembles.
Although I was too young to know what was happening at the time, my grandma has had breast cancer twice, and a very close family friend has also had breast cancer. All I remember from this was my mum being very worried. Cancer affects so many people, and there are so many different types with many having limited treatment options. The idea of a headshave had been mentioned at school, and I thought ‘why not! It’s just hair, and it will grow back’.
For anyone who is considering doing a headshave, I would say ‘DO IT!’. It feels really good to know that you are helping other people. I was really lucky because my family and friends were very generous and supportive, lots of my mum and dads friends who I have never met donated money, and lots of my teachers and other people who live in our small town. Overall I am really glad I did it and if I ever grow my hair I will do it again.
Inspired and ready to do something bold for cancer research? Find out more about hosting a head shave for ACRF here.
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