

The Australian Cancer Research Foundation is governed by an honorary Board of Trustees. The Board consists of 15 dedicated professionals and philanthropists. It steers the Foundation’s strategic direction to ensure all funds raised by our supporters are used in the best possible way to help reach our vision of a world without cancer.

  • Mr Tom Dery

    AO BCom (Econ), MBA

    Chair - Trustee since 1 April 1994
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Chair, AIME
    Chair, M&C Saatchi (Retired)

  • Mr Greg Camm


    Trustee since 6 December 2000
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Director, Data Action Pty Ltd
    Chair, AMIST Super

  • Mr Russell Caplan


    Trustee since 25 March 2011
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Chair, Horizon Roads Pty Ltd
    Non-executive Director, Aurizon Holdings Limited
    Director, St Kilda Football Club

  • Mr Tim Crommelin

    BCom QLD, A.M.P. Hawaii, FSIA, MSAFAA

    Trustee since 29 March 2000
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Chair, Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited
    Deputy Chair, The Morgans Foundation
    Director, The Brisbane Lions Foundation
    Director, Senex Energy Limited
    Director, University of Queensland Endowment Foundation
    Advisory Board, Queensland Brain Institute
    Chair, University of Queensland Investment Advisory Board

  • Dr Dashiell Gantner


    Trustee since 10 December 2019
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Staff Specialist in Intensive Care, Medical Organ Donation Specialist, Alfred Health Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
    Director, Alfred Intensive Care Unit Pty Ltd
    Director, Cassandra Gantner Foundation
    Chair, Jianguo, K-OSSS and K-OSSS II Pty Ltd
    Director, Nuco, Boqueria, Adela International Pty Ltd
    Director, Black Gantner Asset Management LLC


    BA, MA

    Trustee since 20 September 2012
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    National Affairs Columnist, The Australian Financial Review

  • Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston

    AK AFC (Ret'd)

    Trustee since 23 November 2011
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Chancellor, University of the Sunshine Coast
    Chair, Canberra Symphony Orchestra
    Chair, UNSW Canberra Advisory Council
    Chair, Murray Darling Basin Authority
    Chair, Supershock
    Advisory Board Member, Lowy Institute Board
    Member, GreaterGood Canberra
    Director, Sunshine Coast Mind and Neuroscience Thompson Institute
    Consultant, Ernst and Young
    Visiting Fellow, Australian National University – National Security College
    Senior Councillor, The Cohen Group
    Patron, Sunnyfield Independence
    Patron, Stand Tall for PTS
    Patron, Australian American Association (Canberra Division)
    Patron, Bravery Trust
    Patron, Bomber Command
    Patron, European Alliance Against Depression Australian Chapter (WA)
    Patron, The Centenary of ANZAC Centre
    Patron, Tropical Brain and Mind Research Foundation, Townsville
    Patron, Kimberley Brain and Mind Foundation
    Patron, Literacy Acquisition for Pre-Primary Students (Kimberley, WA)
    Ambassador, ShelterBox Australia
    Patron, ACRF International Centre for Cancer Glycomics

  • Mr Peter Jones

    BSurv, LLB, FCIS, FGIA

    Trustee since 2 June 2005
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Senior Commercial Counsel, Hall & Wilcox

  • Mrs Cassandra Michie

    BEc, BComm, LLB, FCA

    Trustee since 29 October 2019
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Director, PwC Foundation Pty Ltd
    Director and Chair, Finance and Property Committee for the Wayside Chapel

  • Dr Ian Brown

    BSc, MSc, PhD, Dip Bus Stud, Dip Ed, FTSE, FAIFST

    Trustee since 23 March 2022
    Director, Preserve Health Pty Ltd (Adelaide)

  • Ms Carmel Mulhern


    Trustee since 28 November 2023
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Director, Methodist Ladies College, Kew
    Member, Advisory Board, Ninian Stephen Program Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Digital
    Ethics, University of Melbourne
    Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Commercial Law & Regulatory Studies, Monash University

  • Dr Tim Cooper AM


    Trustee since 13 March 2024
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Managing Director, Coopers Brewery Limited
    Governor, Coopers Brewery Foundation Incorporated
    Chair, Brewers’ Association of Australia
    Chair, Morgan’s Brewing Company Limited

  • Mr Adrian Redlich


    Trustee since 13 March 2024
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Director, Merricks Capital
    President, Caulfield Grammar School Foundation
    Member, Caulfield Grammar Investment Committee
    Deputy Chair, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute Investment Committee

  • Ms Gitanjali Bhalla

    BA, LL.B. (Hons), MIB, MAICD

    Trustee since 5 June 2024
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Chief People Officer, Seven Group Holdings
    Director, Coates
    Director, WesTrac
    Director, Carriageworks

  • Mr Mark Tims

    BComm, CISA, MAICD

    Trustee since 5 June 2024
    Other positions held and current directorships:
    Partner, KPMG

  • What your donations have achieved

    Cervical cancer vaccine

    We gave initial seed funding to Professor Ian Frazer’s research into the cervical cancer (HPV). Over 150 million doses of vaccine have been delivered worldwide to date.

    Help fund cancer research
  • What your donations have achieved

    The pill that melts away cancer

    Our long term support of cancer research at WEHI has led to a treatment that melts away certain advanced forms of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. It has been approved for clinical use in the US, European Union and Australia and is being trialed for other types of cancer.

    Help fund cancer research
  • What your donations have achieved

    Personalised cancer diagnosis

    In 2015, we awarded $10 million seed funding to an ambitious cancer proteome project that aims to provide each cancer patient a personalised treatment plan within 36 hours. This will improve treatment outcomes and help avoid unnecessary treatments.

    Help fund cancer research
  • What your donations have achieved

    Zero childhood cancer

    We are one of the founding partners of the initiative that will tackle the most serious cases of infant, childhood and adolescent cancer in Australia. It is a key step towards the program vision of one day helping to cure 100% of children with cancer.

    Help fund cancer research