Star ACRF supporter and volunteer extraordinaire, Ann Smith has suffered her share of loss to cancer. She lost her twin sister Rosemarie in 1993 and more recently her husband John in December 2016.
“It is still very hard to grasp he is gone. When it comes to husbands, John was a Rolls Royce. A fastidious organiser, before he got too sick, John made sure I was well set-up in a new smaller home, close to family and friends.
“He also looked after our Wills and ensured that the cause closest to my heart – Australian Cancer Research Foundation – was mentioned.
Apart from mentioning ACRF in her will, at John’s funeral service, Ann’s daughters arranged for donations in lieu of flowers to go to ACRF.
“I now donate each month via direct debit and my girls are fully supportive of my wishes in my Will”, said Ann.
Find out more how to leave a gift in your will.
Find out more about leaving a gift in your will
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