The time for making New Year’s Resolutions is over – it’s now time to start thinking seriously about keeping them!
As the festive season winds down, we can start to think seriously about what we can do differently in 2012. We plan for new tasks, set new goals, and come up with new ideas. So this new year, why not commit to a resolution that could make a real difference, and consider regular charity donations to cancer research?
Regular charity donations are the most cost effective way for you to support the ACRF, and they enable us as a cancer research charity to plan for the future.
In 2012, you can have the satisfaction of being part of something big.
Our regular givers make up a VIP group of ACRF donors known as “Partners in the Cure”. As a Partner in the cure your regular charity donations build up over time into a significant investment in cancer research. Together, our Partners in the Cure have contributed more than $1 million to the ACRF, 100% of which has gone to world-class cancer research right here in Australia.
“I often think that if every family in Australia made a small contribution to the ACRF every month as we do the world would be a much better place,” said Juanita Stockwell, one of our ACRF Partners in the Cure. You can read Juanita’s full story here.
Making regular charity donations is also a wonderful way to honour the memory of a loved one who has passed away through cancer. Whether you would like to remember a birthday, a milestone in your loved one’s life or the anniversary of their death, your regular contribution to cancer research will bring light to the lives of cancer patients of the future.
If you would like to join us as a Partner in the Cure please click here or phone us on 02 9223 7833 to discuss your options.
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