Late last year the lovely ladies of Carrington Retirement Village launched their 2011 calendar to great success!
It all began at a BBQ lunch where organiser Shirley Curtis came up with the idea of putting together a calendar to sell at the local Village fair. Shirley was determined to raise funds for cancer research following the loss of her husband to cancer in August 2008. Another 11 ladies jumped on board with the idea and the Carrington Girls 2011 calendar was born.
The calendar would not have been possible without the help of two local photographers, Suzi & Jodi, from Gorgeous Photography & Design, whose lives had also been touched by cancer. Suzi lost her mum a few years ago from cancer. As a result, the duo kindly offered to do the photography and design for the calendar free of charge.
These wonderful women raised almost $8,000 from their calendar sales. “The friendship, fun, (hard work at times) was rewarding for us and we felt an achievement in proving us retirees are not so retiring” Shirley says.
Thank you so much to the ladies of Carrington Retirement Village for your fun and creative idea, and to all your supporters! You have made a great contribution to cancer research!
Read more about the Carrington Girls.
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