
Countrywide supports ACRF

Cocktail Hour at Countrywide National Meeting

At the latest Countrywide National Meeting held in May, Countrywide held a ‘charity hour’ which brought together many of their stakeholders to support Australian Cancer Research Foundation over some cocktails, delicious food, great speakers and a raffle. Guest speakers, Chelsea Ford, founder of Females in Food and Kerry Strydom, COO of ACRF shared some great insight into their experiences. The attendees dug deep and in just one hour, they were able to raise over $2,000 for ACRF.

Attendees were glad to support such a worthy cause and a lot of fun was had, with many people commenting on the value they gained from it. Countrywide look forward to holding more events like this in future.

Women in Business High Tea

Countrywide National Office was beautifully transformed for the Women in Business High Tea they hosted in support of ACRF.

Many people came together to make this event a reality and we thank them tremendously. The Engagement and Culture Team along with other amazing staff at the head office worked together to arrange the presentation space and create the delicious spread that was on offer. Finger sandwiches, tarts, quiches, hazelnut shortbread, scones, cupcakes, mocktails and more were enjoyed enormously by all.

Their guest speakers covered very interesting topics and we are appreciative of the way they opened up and gave attendees valuable insight into the tries and triumphs they have experienced.

Countrywide raised a phenomenal amount of over $2,500 for ACRF!