
Adelaide Proteomics Centre

  • Research Institute: Department of Molecular Biosciences, The University of Adelaide

  • Amount granted: $1.5 million

  • Year granted: 2002

The largest grant awarded by the ACRF to date to enable the establishment of the “Adelaide Proteomics Centre”. Focusing on unraveling the mysteries of proteins produced by the body, scientists involved in proteomics research look at the levels of all proteins produced in the body, including identifying different functions of these proteins. The lead investigator for the Adelaide Proteomics Centre, Associate Professor Shaun McColl says, “A greater understanding of the molecular interactions involved in the operation of living cells will help scientists in their quest to cure or prevent cancer and many other diseases”.

  • What your donations have achieved

    Cervical cancer vaccine

    We gave initial seed funding to Professor Ian Frazer’s research into the cervical cancer (HPV). Over 150 million doses of vaccine have been delivered worldwide to date.

    Help fund cancer research
  • What your donations have achieved

    The pill that melts away cancer

    Our long term support of cancer research at WEHI has led to a treatment that melts away certain advanced forms of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. It has been approved for clinical use in the US, European Union and Australia and is being trialed for other types of cancer.

    Help fund cancer research
  • What your donations have achieved

    Personalised cancer diagnosis

    In 2015, we awarded $10 million seed funding to an ambitious cancer proteome project that aims to provide each cancer patient a personalised treatment plan within 36 hours. This will improve treatment outcomes and help avoid unnecessary treatments.

    Help fund cancer research
  • What your donations have achieved

    Zero childhood cancer

    We are one of the founding partners of the initiative that will tackle the most serious cases of infant, childhood and adolescent cancer in Australia. It is a key step towards the program vision of one day helping to cure 100% of children with cancer.

    Help fund cancer research