With the need for connection being more important than ever before, we’re pleased to share with you some behind-the-scenes action from the ACRF team. Meet Liviana Oprea, our Community Fundraising Coordinator.
Being born in Romania, my Latin heritage has had a big influence on me. I am loud, I love people, I love having fun, I love fashion, I love to travel, to live life with passion, and let’s not forget my love for food.
I moved to Australia when I was 21 years old and I’ve fallen in love with the beautiful places and people I’ve met. I feel so blessed meeting people from different parts of the world from different cultures and different backgrounds.
My professional background is working in a bank for 14 years but my passion is definitely working for a charity, and helping people. I love being able to engage with our supporters and attend various fundraising events. I feel so grateful for all the new friendships I have formed with various groups that support us – including the Vietnamese, Macedonian, Taiwanese, Laotian, Italian, and Greek communities.
Part of my role at ACRF is also assisting with the ‘in memory’ program, for those who have lost loved ones to cancer. I would describe myself as a very compassionate person and I really care about every phone call I receive. I wish we live in a world where cancer is a thing of the past. I have lost family members and dear friends myself due to cancer, and that’s why I believe research is so important in finding a cure for future generations. I am passionate about helping others.
One of my favourite quotes is “At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought, but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but our character; and not our success, but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of LOVE.”
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