Congratulations Professor Philip Hogg, a member of the Foundation’s prestigious Medical Research Advisory Committee, who has been awarded this year’s top cancer science award.
At a black-tie dinner in Sydney on the 21st of May, the Commonwealth’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Jim Bishop, AO, presented Prof Hogg with the NSW Premier’s Award for Outstanding Cancer Researcher. Professor Hogg received a $50,000 cheque honouring his breakthrough scientific achievements.
Professor Hogg, director of the University of NSW Cancer Research Centre, developed a dye that fastens onto dead or dying cancer cells and reveals whether cancer treatments are working just days into the course.
He also discovered a protein that stops cancerous tumours growing by targeting blood cell production, helping to extend the lives of cancer patients.
Four years ago ACRF awarded $500,000 to a University of NSW research team led by Professor Philip Hogg at Children’s Cancer Institute Australia. The funding established the CCIA Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) Drug Discovery Program.
“The ACRF state-of-the-art laboratory played a critical role in the development of an imaging agent which will show whether chemotherapy treatment is effective,” Prof. Hogg explained.
He was also one of the Chief Investigators involved in a $3.1 million grant awarded by this Foundation for a dedicated childhood cancer drug discovery facility at the University of NSW’s Children’s Cancer Institute. The world-class facility is developing less toxic, more effective drugs for the treatment of a range of children’s cancers.
Professor Philip HoggProfessor Hogg is a globally recognized Australian scientist who has won nineteen Australian and International awards, prizes or fellowships for his research.
The Cancer Institute NSW Premier’s Award for Outstanding Cancer Researcher recognises the potential for Professor Hogg’s research to change cancer treatment and improve the survival chances of patients.
More about Professor Hogg’s research and grants from ACRF:
Chemo discovery here
Children’s research project here
Angiogenesis / blood supply here
More about the Cancer Institute Awards:
Contact for media:
Mr. David Brettell, ACRF Chief Executive, +61 2 9223 7833
Click here for the Professor Phillip Hogg Awarded Top Cancer Researcher media release
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