Lee Bektash is a Victorian drag racing driver for Team Mopar and he’s put his support behind the Australian Cancer Research Foundation. The Pro-Stock Star and his team donated their prize money from last week’s race at Calder Park to help fast-track better treatments and detection for cancer.
Lee achieved the top speed of the Pro Stock Race, reaching an incredible 200.65 mph (323 km/h).
“This is something that I have wanted to do for a little while. I lost my first cousin to cancer six months ago and our family had also lost another relative to cancer just last year.
Cancer affects everyone and we want to be a part of helping to find cures so that as few families as possible are affected like we have been. The cures are out there, we just need to find them!
We decided to support the Australian Cancer Research Foundation because it is a private organisation, relying on the power of the community in order to provide Australia’s best cancer research teams with the technologies and facilities they need to fast-track discoveries.
I’ve been so proud of our team’s efforts over the last few seasons, we’ve had good results because of the support we’ve received. Our weekend at Calder Park gave us a great opportunity to put some money to good use – and there is no better cause than this!
The ACRF funds and supports the analysis and testing of new treatment, diagnostic and preventative measures for all types of cancer. It keeps Australian scientists at the forefront of medical research and brings us ever closer to the cures.
This is a privilege for the Team Mopar Australia crew, we put everything into our races in the hope that we can give something back!”
A big thank you to Lee and the team for their generous support!
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