Yes folks they’ve hit the fairways again! Those free swinging, big hitting, fun loving enthusiasts from the Coogee Beach Golf Club have held another successful annual fundraiser for the ACRF.
First staged in 2006, the club’s special day has raised close to $50,000 for cancer research.
The much-anticipated event involves 18 holes of golf at the picturesque Randwick Golf Club, followed by a massive lunch, auction and raffle at the Beach Palace Hotel in Coogee. This year 102 golfers took to the fairways.
The ACRF’s own Claire McArthur and Jonathan Russo attended the after party lunch, which Claire later declared “a really fun (and loud) affair. I may even try the golf next year myself’’ she said.
Garry Ennis said the fundraising event had now become an event many golfers looked forward to and when asked who won the event he replied “that’s not important it’s really all about the end result.
“In 2006, the Coogee Beach Golf Club (CBGC) held its first ever Charity Golf Day to commemorate the passing of several members of the club who had died from cancer. The Club president for over 20 years Mark O’Connor, Fritz Krall the club’s top handicapper for over 20 years, Arthur Mears, and Dave Griffith all fell victim to this terrible disease,” he said.
“Once again the highlight of the day was the Charity Auction led by the one and only Chris White. Chris always manages to get the punters wound up.”
“Everyone really got into the spirit of giving and friendly competition. More importantly, all present had a great time with lots of golf, appetizing food and cold beer – all in aid of innovative cancer research.”
Garry said special items up for auction this year included an accommodation package at Boambee Bay Resort Coffs Harbour, golf trip packages at Pacific Dunes Horizons and the magnificent Bonville Gold Resort, a 2009 English league team jumper as well as Wallabies, Souths and Easts rugby jumpers.
“We owe a lot of our success to the very generous support we get from key businesses, golf clubs and individuals. The Beach Palace Hotel Coogee, The Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club, The Heads Hotel Shoalhaven, The Coogee Legion Club & Salamander Shores Port Stephens deserve special mention for their unyielding backing of the event. These supportive businesses donate everything from accommodation to catering, as well as rounds of golf & gift vouchers for the Charity Auction and Raffle.
Additionally the ever-friendly Tim & Gary from The Coast Golf Club Pro-Shop and the Manager of Coogee Sands Hotel & Apartments, Jean-Claude Niederer and Brendon Lanigan proprietor of L&R Motors on Carrington Rd Coogee, and Pinocchio’s Restaurant at The Spot also need to be acknowledged for their continual help and commitment.
ACRF provides major funding of between $1.5 million and $10 million, not readily available from government or other sources, to outstanding world-class research projects. Our grants fund state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment to support prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Every dollar of every donation received goes to funding cancer research.
Read about the 2008 Coogee Beach Golf Club fundraiser.
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