City2Surf: the $80,000 dream
A very B-I-G congratulations and thank you to everyone who supported the cancer research City2Surf dream team!
The ACRF dream team – led by staffers Claire, Mahsa and Natasha – is jubilant following a massive effort at last Sunday’s City2Surf which will see an extra $80,000 go directly to cancer research.
The early morning start and chilly weather couldn’t keep them and close to 800 other Australian Cancer Research Foundation entrants from lining up for this annual race from the Sydney business district to Bondi beach.
One of the most inspiring participants in the 80,000 strong field was Fred Pham.
Mr Pham, schoolteacher and father of five young children, has only a short time to live. This did not stop him walking the 14 kilometre course with two of his sons and becoming the event’s most successful individual fundraiser.
“I first had the idea to participate in the City2Surf last year, shortly after being told I have only three months to live, but I had just missed the entry cut-off date,” Mr Pham said.
He’s now raised more than $30,000 for the ACRF. As the winner of a top fundraiser spot Mr Pham has attracted a further $10,000 donation from race organisers, the Sun-Herald.
Other Dream Team inspiration came from Susan Francis, Rick Morar and David Jarvis who also ran on the day and raised more than $2000 each for cancer research.
Susan Francis lost her father to cancer just three months ago and wanted to take part in the City2Surf for ACRF to ensure other dads could be saved from this disease.
“My father was a fighter and I am so proud of his fighting spirit right to the end. The run is something I have never done before and I hope my dad will be proud of me,” she said.
Race veteran David Jarvis gave his all on race day, finishing in a very impressive time of less than 68 minutes. Mr Jarvis is encouraging his supporters to continue to donate to the ACRF, even after the event.
Jazz bands and DJs along the 14 kilometre course kept a record 80,000 entrants – some in fancy dress – entertained and helped everyone stay in top spirits, even on the infamous Heartbreak Hill, a tough and seemingly endless, winding stretch of road at the halfway point.
The Dream Team survived Heartbreak Hill but ACRF staffers stopped at the top to catch their breath and take in the glistening harbour views. There they spotted a City2Surf Legend who reportedly was barely breaking a sweat. There are 39 Legends, runners who’ve participated in every race since it started 40 years ago.
PepsiCo, ACRF supporters, invited the team to relax at their beachside Gatorade marquee after the event.
The hundreds of people who’d sponsored the Dream Team accessed live updates throughout the race via Twitter and were kept informed of fundraising efforts on the ACRF’s Facebook page.
Donations came in before, during and now after the event, they happily continue.
The (almost) $80,000 raised by the 2010 City2Surf is an all-time ACRF record!
So congratulations and thank you to everyone who supported the Cancer Research City2Surf Dream Team.
Check out the video of the team during the race:
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Special thanks goes to top fundraisers: Fred Pham; Team M&C Saatchi, led by Hannah Toohey; Susan Francis; Rick Morar; David Jarvis; Oliver Grimwood; Stewart Baden; The Bushettes Rina Moore, Leigh Nicholl, and Simone Westbury; Kevin Hussey; The Energisers, led by Wei Wu; John Walkowiak; Jade Bond; Shannon Barnes; Peggy Oberthier; Melanie Townsend.
Big thanks also goes to all our fabulous 2010 City2Surf Dream Team fundraisers:
Adam Antonio | David Bell | Karen Blatchford | Peter Lagoutaris |
Adam Brownsea | David Fleming | Karen Chung | Peter Rowe |
Adam Corney | David Gagg | Karen He | Peter Stanicic |
Adele McNickle | David Gething | Karen Hewitt | Peter Stelmach |
Adrian Torres | David Lenaghan | Karina Ko | Pheara Yin |
Aimee Green | David Parsons | Karl Gellert | Phil Walton |
Aisha Hillary | David Read | Karlene Adlington | Philip Cheng |
Aislinn McIntyre | David Thanisch | Karlie Connellan | Pia Salwin |
Al Hing | Dean Cameron | Kate & Paige | Piers Beagley |
Alain Austria | Dean Plant | Kate Horne | Polly Tapper |
Alan Dangerfield | Debbie Williams | Kate Lennard | Pubudu Nanayakkara |
Alan Prendergast | Deborah Marbus | Katherine Elias | Qiang Chen |
Alex Choy | Deirdre Cott | Kathryn Farrington | Quentin Osborn |
Alex Forsythe | Dene Marfleet | Kathryn Stephen | Rachael Niao |
Alex McAndrew | Denise Murphy | Kati Lehtonen | Rachel Mosen |
Alex Pui | Denyse Skipper | Katie Carew | Rachel Scourfield |
Alexander Boufeas | Derek Shuttleworth | Katie Smee | Raelyn Benitez |
Alexander McRae | Deshan Kumar | Katren Rogers | Raffaella Calo |
Alexandre Queiroz | Dhiwakaran Sathananthan | Katrina McHattan | Rakesh Morar |
Alexey Monastyrny | Dinesh Thamotharam | Katty Luong | Rebecca Chan |
Alfie Gil | Don Nguyen | Kavitha Nadarajah | Rebecca Ferraro |
Alfredo Ledesma | Dougal Nairn | Kaye Scott | Rebecca Mowbray |
Alison Kirkby | Dowon Cho | Kelly Prescott | Rebecca Ricketts |
Alison Punyalack | Dragan Petkovic | Kelly Robinson-Hicks | Rebecca Simmonds |
Alistair Donald | Dylan Cluff | Kelwyn O’Brien | Rebekah Jubb |
Alistair McKillop | Eamonn Fennell | Ken Flarrety | Richard Dean |
Allison Spicer | Edel Fennell | Ken Wilson | Richard Frawley |
Alon Bernstein | Edel Frawley | Kevin Du | Richard Manly |
Amanda Dixon | Edward Gallagher | Kiara Drinan | Richard Roszkowski |
Amanda Hooker | Elaine Hayne | Kim Longue | Rina Lee |
Amanda Moroney | Elena Kamiya | Kim Romanik | Rob Satchell |
Amanda Smith | Elenie Panos | Kimberley Achurch | Robert Cowburn |
Amanda Viner | Elizabeth Hammell | Kire Josevski | Rochelle Martin |
Amber MacKinnon | Elizabeth Riley | Kirsty Smith | Rodel Dahiroc |
Amy Annan | Elizabeth Utterson | Klaas Jellema | Rosa Gonzalez |
Amy Barnes | Ellen House | Kok Foon Kelvin Chan | Rosa Law |
Amy Dawson | Ellie Hall | Krairiksh Nitibhumivechsakul | Rosalind Weller |
Amy Mckenzie | Elly Panta | Kristy Acland | Rosary Coloma |
Ana Zivanovic | Elodie Barbera | Kylie Jones | Rowan Cooke |
Andrea Carretta | Elyse Green | Lance Burnett | Rowena Silvestro |
Andrea Lobodasova | Emilie Bouchard | Lara Smith | Roy Chan |
Andrea Rossi | Emily Manos | Larissa Donaldson | Rudolf Opperman |
Andreas Skopal | Emily Murfin | Lars-Erik Molnes | Russell Boyd |
Andrew Cohen | Emily Noake | Laura Kennedy | Ruth McCuaig |
Andrew Dorey | Emma Ritchie | Lauralee DeBrincat | Ryan Kevelighan |
Andrew Harvey | Emmanuel de Bearn | Lauren Dredge | Ryan McMahon |
Andrew Henderson | Eric Cirulis | Lauren Jacobs | Sally Gainsbury |
Andrew Huang | Erik Fojtik | Lauren Miller | Sally Summerfield |
Andrew Innes | Erin Rowlands | Lauren Sim | Sallyanne Nguyen-Pham |
Andrew Leslie | Eterio Herrera | Leigh Symmons | Sam Lombardi |
Andrew Riggs | Eugene McGarrell | Lenita Mandilis | Samantha Edwards |
Andrew Taylor | Evan Wong | Leo Ruschena | Samantha Jones |
Andrew Turnbull | Eyal Mekler | Leona Boon | Samantha Mcleod |
Andrew Wakeling | Felicity Allen | Leonard Koh | Samuel Green |
Andria Tropiano | Fergal Hoey | Lewis Mills | Sandi Kopp |
Angela Martin | Finau Vucago | Lia Crichton | Sara Curran |
Angela Newman | Fiona Esplin | Liddy-Anne Fletcher | Sarah Binks |
Angie Baran | Fiona Green | Linda Bermeister | Sarah Boyall |
Angus Davidson | Fiona McDonald | Lindsay Chappel | Sarah Forman |
Angus Keene | Fleur Macfarlane | Lindsey Collison | Sarah McCandless |
Angus Leech | Florence Hecquet | Linley Manning | Sarah McGill |
Anja Edmeades | Frances Cordell | Lisa Jane Masters | Sarah Nolan |
Anna Jones | Francesca de Leon | Lisa Scott | Sarah Sengers |
Anna Swift | Francis Nguyen Khoi Pham | Lisa Truong | Sarah Waladan |
Anna Wilson | Frederick Donlato | Loretta Ryan | Sarah Webb |
Anne Robertson | Gabby Phillips | Louise Ryan | Scott Dwyer |
Ann-Maree Crouch | Gabrielle Frisby | Lucia MacKeigan | Scott Harris |
Anoop Joshi | Gabrielle Shaw | Lucinda Mander-Jones | Scott Kingston |
Ansuya Singaram | Garry Constanti | Lucy Dunwell | Scott Ward |
Ant Harca | Garry Glasson | Luke Adams | Sean Davies |
Anthony Arrow | Garry Irwin | Luke Ashton | Sean Jordan |
Anthony Cale | Gavin Mooney | Luke MacGregor | Sebastien Vallerie |
Anthony Davies | Gavin Sharpe | Luke Parsons | Shane Leary |
Anthony Homonnay | Gemma Pasco | Luke Povee | Shane Miller |
Anthony Martin | Geoff Tonna | Luke Whenman | Shane Thompson |
Anthony Mcpherson | Geoffrey Kirk | Lydia Jarvis | Shani Abergil |
Anthony Pattison | George Gonzalez | Madelon Williams | Shannon Barnes |
Anthony Smyth | George Marinos | Maegan Oostendorp | Shannon Brown |
Ayesha Kannangara | George Zhang | Mahsa Lotfizadeh | Sharon Ireland |
Baljit Singh Talwar | Georges-Etienne Bureau | Maja Dimitrova | Shaun Fraser |
Barb Beard | Georgia Dixon | Manjula Krishnan | Shaun Shum |
Barbara Archer | Georgia Rayner | Margaret Dobrucki | Shaw David |
Barnaby Packman | Gerard Diener | Mark Bayliss | Sheila Zhou |
Beatrice Blume | Gill Ryder | Mark Delhaas | Sheridan White |
Belinda Arthur | Glen Crosland | Mark Dilli | Sherman Sun |
Belinda Jardim | Glenn Frost | Mark Ferris | Sherrie Chaisumdet |
Ben Hewlett | Gloria Connor | Mark Freeman | Sheryl Cole |
Ben Nash | Grace Johnston | Mark Hennessy | Shobie Jay |
Ben Robbins | Graeme Phillips | Mark May | Simon Felice |
Ben Taylor | Grant Azzopardi | Mark Sacks | Simon Leith |
Ben Welsh | Greg Beaumont | Mark Schwarzel | Simon Major |
Ben Yabsley | Greg Omeara | Mark Toyer | Simon Mann |
Benjamin Jones | Gregory Martin | Mark Vadgama | Simon McMasters |
Benjamin Reynolds | Grit Heidler | Mark Walton | Simon Wade |
Bent Patterson | Gwynn Le Maitre | Martin Buchan Ford | Simon Zaiko |
Betty Anstey | Hally Starr | Mary Greenhalgh | Simone Brandse |
Beverley Kessey | Hamish Black | Mary Zlomislic | Simone Williams |
Bhavana Goyal | Hamish Magoffin | Mary-anne Nguyen-Pham | Snigdha Gaur |
Bianca Nelson | Hamish Perks | Matt Brodie | Solomon Aluague |
Bianca Van Pamelen | Hanchi Nguyen | Matt Porter | Sonya van Beek |
Bill Amanatidis | Hannah Lowes | Matt Rushton | Sophie Bray |
Bobby Lo | Harry Phillips | Matt Saddington | Sophie Chruch |
Brendan Crothers | Harvey Stockbridge | Matt Stevens | Spencer Hird |
Brendan Mcandrew | Hayley Mathews | Matt Stock | Spiro Rokos |
Brendan Quinn | Hazem Ismail | Matthew Bell | Steffi Audrelia |
Brendon Burrows | Heath Barnes | Matthew Davis | Stephanie Jones |
Brett Bimson | Heath Gledhill | Matthew Edge | Stephanie Sandmann |
Brett Lockeridge | Heather Reed | Matthew Turner | Stephen Baker |
Brett Mcdowall | Heidi Van Der Laan | Mattias Aslund | Stephen Connolly |
Bretton Coghlan | Helen Yuan | Mayura Wagle | Stephen Mcnamara |
Brian Courtney | Helen Zimmerman | Megan Sturrock | Stephen Norton |
Brian Downey | Helene Armao | Megan Wooding | Steve Farkas |
Brian Heydon | Hermann Lang | Meghan Carberry | Steve Marin |
Bridget Teekamp | Hilary Giason | Melanie Lansdown | Steve Strains |
Bronwyn Priest | Hilary Szabo | Melinda Cairns | Steven Boggiano |
Bruce Kennaway | Holly Hou | Melissa Corkery | Steven Bregovic |
Bruno Martino | Hugo Devlin | Melissa Ford | Steven Spinks |
Bryana Neale | Ian Croger | Michael Badham | Stewart Camara |
Burin Chitmitrecharon | Ian Gabriel | Michael Baston | Stewart Levitt |
Caleb Wong | Ian McDonald | Michael Comport | Stewart Smith |
Cameron LeMaitre | Ian Prescott | Michael Coon | Stuart Dixon |
Cameron Martlew | Ines Machuca | Michael Cooper | Stuart Woodmore |
Cameron Pegg | Irene Prorellis | Michael Crichton | Sunita Shah |
Carly Hansen | Isabella Vianellos | Michael File | Susan Bourke |
Carol Alexander | Ita Gunn | Michael Hardie | Susan Pelling |
Carol Larkin | Izabely Lima | Michael Harris | Susie Heath |
Carol Riley | Jackie Cook | Michael Knapp | Sylvia Clonan |
Carolanne Sinclair | Jackie Grimes | Michael Lewis | Taka Yamamoto |
Caroline Brunet | Jacqueline Voke | Michael Rayment | Tamara Searant-Phelps |
Caroline Dyson | Jacquie Ford | Michelle Broom | Tammie Moore |
Caroline Ndong | Jade Courtney | Michelle Galluzzo | Tania Harb |
Carwyn Morgan | Jade Holly Tavener | Mick O’Driscoll | Tanya Hart |
Casey Yu | Jaimes Adlington | Mike Jenkins | Tanya Konsul |
Cassie-Ann Cluff | James Combe | Mike Kleviansky | Tanyin Middleton |
Cathy Loughridge | James Haddon | Milliee McFarlane | Tara Reid |
Cecilia Bennett | James Harding | Minh Son Ngoc Nguyen | Tatum Neich |
Celia Withers | James Kilpatrick | Minoru Takashiba | Tess Whittakers |
Chantelle Heracleous | James Lucas | Muhammad Hafizuddin Haji Talip | Thomas Langman |
Cheryl Lanagan | James Prior | Mukund Guruji | Thomas Pearce |
Chris Andrews | James Vianellos | Myer Leibman | Thomas Pickford |
Chris Gabriel | Jamie Stamp | Nadia Lombardi | Tiffany Collison |
Chris Graham | Jan Shaddock | Nadia Lydon | Tim Bartsch |
Chris Greenwood | Jan Watson | Nandakumar Sambrane | Tim Brasher |
Chris Haigh | Jane St John | Natalie Callaghan | Tim Medway |
Chris Kondou | Janet Street | Natasha Kemp | Timothy Baartz |
Chris Ricketts | Janette Wells | Natasha Munasinghe | Tina Neale |
Chris Stewart | Janice Tai | Natasha Trajanovska | Toby Birch |
Chris Winkler | Janina Resurreccion | Nathan Lee | Todd Bajcic |
Christiane Brunet | Jason Boyle | Nathan Williams | Tom Dery |
Christine Arnold | Jason Fraser | Nathan Wright | Tom Hart-Brown |
Christine Prouse | Jason Madden | Naveen Ahluwalia | Tom Payne |
Christine Wilson | Jason O’Donnell | Neal Gerber | Tom Scheibling |
Christopher Blair | Jason Tonna | Neil McDonald | Tony Crosby |
Christopher Chartres | Jaspreet Chopra | Nerissa Trindade | Tony Ingram |
Christopher Dorey | Jeanette Bowman | Ngahuro Mutuota | Tony Lai |
Christopher Kaikati | Jeannette Gibson | Niamh Jordan | Tony Yalda |
Christopher Ling | Jeff Chan | Nicholas Broughton | Tram Lake |
Christopher Powell | Jenna Cohn | Nicholas Dignam | Trang Nguyen |
Christopher Schembri | Jennifer Daroy | Nick Zafer | Travis Jacklin |
Cindy Swee San Wong | Jennifer Kent | Nicole Lightfoot | Trieu Le |
Claire & Mitchell. | Jennifer Lay | Nicole Watson | Trish Turnbull |
Claire Harding | Jenny Che | Nik Pantelic | Tristan Sharp |
Claire Wong | Jerome Gaslin | Nilesh kumar | Tut Turner |
Clara Yoon | Jessica George | Oliver Page | Ty Lim |
Claudia Simecek | Jessica O’Byrne | Olivia Chaisumdet | Vanessa Greenberg |
Clint Bratton | Ji Liang Lin | Olivia Lorimer | Verena Zannantoni |
Colin Jowell | Jim Alexopoulos | Olivia Sullivan | Verity Le Maitre |
Corey Swan | Jimmy Haughey | Paige Edmunds | Veronica Crowe |
Corrinda Williams | Jing Chen | Pamela Frost | Veronica Jerez |
Courtenay Perks | Joanna Zwart | Pantea Pooladvand | Veronica Pettifer |
Courtney Kingston | Joanne Andrews | Panyaporn Srinon | Vesna Ringue |
Courtney Selleck | Joanne Duffy | Paris Robinson-hicks | Vicki Benn |
Craig Baird | Joanne Norman | Pascal Lachance | Vicky Wu |
Craig Lennard | Jodi Hodges | Patricia Hoffer | Victoria Bond |
Cressida Anderson | Joe Galea | Patricia McLaughlin | Vivian Carasso |
Daisy Melwani | Joe Johnston | Patrick Guerrera | Warren Scott |
Damien Bowden | Joel Davies | Paul Baker | Warren Turner |
Damien Leonard | John Bojarski | Paul Cheshire | Wayne Arnold |
Damon McLean | John Hartin | Paul Egan | Wayne Meyer |
Dan Bolton | John Remi | Paul Gardner | Wayne Riley |
Dan Dica | John Savage | Paul Jean | Wendy Bradley |
Dan Mace | John Surveyor | Paul Marter | Wendy Croger |
Dana Levitt | Johnny Du | Paul Redfern | Wendy Hodgkins |
Danae Vrettos | Jon Gregory | Paul Shard | Wendy McArdle |
Daniel Atkin | Joseph Moran | Paul Stevenson | Wendy Papanicolaou |
Daniel Carlin | Josh Bryer | Paul Thurtell | Wilfred Riddles |
Daniel Hardie | Joshua Glasson | Paula Adamson | Will Figueira |
Daniel Hood | Ju Young Lee | Penelope Fabre | William Wellborn |
Daniel Oostendorp | Julie Fleming | Penny Pan | Yash Gandhi |
Daniela Wiedey | Julie Martin | Pete Mellows | Ye Jnani |
Danielle Funston | Julie Matthews | Peter Andrews | Yee-Cheen Doung |
Danielle Ross-Hickman | Julie Thomas | Peter Becklar | Yolande Snyder |
Danna Harvey | Justin Jnani | Peter Berlowitz | Yong Mi Kim |
Darragh Hodgson | Justine Bedu | Peter Byrnes | Yusra Metwally |
Darren Heath | Kai Dwyer | Peter Howe | Yvonne Ling |
Darren Moulds | Kaoru Adachi | Peter Ireland | Zoe Davis |
David Anderson |
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