“Bussies On Bikes” is a very successful event in aid of cancer research, which was initially established by three keen Willoughby drivers who wanted to make a difference about the ill effects of cancer and more importantly to contribute.
In September more than 35 drivers and their supporters will be riding to Canberra and back to aid the Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) and Canteen.”
“It is 643 kilometers round trip this year,” said event organizer Bill Kusabs recently.
“The first year the event took place in 2005 there were 28 riders who traveled the 11,000 course we set down to Melbourne.”
“The next two years after that first event we switched and started in Melbourne and then we held the Port Phillip Bay to Port Botany marathon ride events.
“This was a lot of fun for us because friends and relatives all gathered to meet us when the riders finally made it back to Sydney,” he said.
“These three initial rides where very successful and we collected more than $160,000.”
The bus driver turned marathon rider, said the event was not held last year.
“We recently decided to hold the event again and to this time send collected funds to the ACRF, following a request from one of our original organizers Narelle Sinclair.
“Her husband died of cancer and his last request was we ride again not only for Canteen but for the ACRF as well.’’
Mr Kusabs said bus drivers and many of their support crew used their much cherished two weeks of annual leave to ride their push bikes.”
Bill Kusabs made a special request call for marathon support staff.
“This doesn’t include cycling, but provides essential assistance to the riders on and off the road.
Volunteer support roles include ride marshals, guides, ride escort duties, cook’s assistants and jack-of-all trades as the trip enfolds. Escort and support vehicles drive along with the cyclists whenever they are on the road, qualified St John’s Ambulance officers travel with the group and experienced bicycle maintenance personnel are also in the group.”
He said he was currently in the final stages of designing the ride gear for the “Sydney2Canberra2Sydney, Charity Ride“.
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