Is your birthday coming up? By dedicating your day to raising essential funds for cancer research, you can help those impacted by this devastating disease.
Asking for donations in lieu of gifts on your birthday is a wonderful way to make your special day meaningful and help back the brightest minds in cancer research.
When you create a Facebook Fundraiser for your birthday, all funds raised go directly toward transforming the way we prevent, detect and treat ALL types of cancer.
Around two weeks before your birthday, you will receive a notification from Facebook giving you the option to create a Facebook Fundraiser and a prompt will also appear at the top of your newsfeed. Alternatively, you can set up a Facebook Fundraiser via the page here.
Follow the below steps to help set up a Facebook Fundraiser for your birthday:
ACRF is so grateful for those individuals who choose to raise vital funds for life-saving research on their special day. Your commitment is helping bring us closer to our vision of a world without cancer.