
ACRF Centre for Lung Cancer Early Detection

  • Research Institute: The University of Queensland Thoracic Research Centre, The Prince Charles Hospital

  • Amount granted: $1 million

  • Year granted: 2015

The University of Queensland (UQ) Thoracic Research Centre and The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane were awarded $1 million funding for the establishment of ACRF Centre for Lung Cancer Early Detection.

The new Centre will focus on the discovery and development of innovative methods for early stage detection of lung cancer. Lung cancer remains the biggest cause of cancer deaths in Australia and worldwide and has a very low 5-year survival rate in comparison to many other common cancer types. Early detection can therefore significantly improve health and treatment outcomes for patients with lung cancer.

The ACRF Centre for Lung Cancer Early Detection concentrates on three major innovative research streams: innovations in diagnostic imaging using Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) screening and computer aided diagnosis (CAD); – investigating unique molecular profiles and biomarkers of lung cancer; and advanced innovations in bronchoscopy techniques.

One of the projects will investigate unique molecules and biomarkers of lung cancer that are likely to be in the exhaled breath of a person with lung cancer from a very early stage. The earlier a cancer is found, the greater is the potential success of the treatment.

The Centre is based at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane with major collaborations across key Australian and international sites. Due to the clinical focus of the research, the team will be able to translate findings directly into daily clinical practice.

Chief Investigator: Professor Kwun Fong

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