
Running tips to get started

ACRF running coach Paul Hadfield shares expert running tips to help you start training for your next race. Learn more about Paul here.

You’ve taken the plunge and signed up for the next big running adventure. Now what? Time to get training I guess? But what’s the best way to start?

My two favourite rules to live by when embarking on a training block are;

  • You don’t improve fitness when you’re injured.

  • Your body can do amazing things but adapts to training slowly.

Sticking to these basic ideas can be the difference between a consistent, enjoyable training block and a smiling finish line photo or ending up on the physio’s table by Week 3.

Below are some practical tips to get you started on the right foot.

  1. Find the right cruising pace. In the early weeks you’ll benefit from running at a very cruisey pace almost 100% of the time. This is the best way to build your engine. You should be able to hold an easy conversation while you’re jogging along. You shouldn’t be able to sing though. No-one needs to hear that!

  1. Build your running days up gradually. One of our main goals is to safely increase your weekly running volume. Start by adding shorter runs more frequently through the week. Shorter, frequent runs help to strengthen your tendons and joints in the early days and bullet proof your body for when things start ramping up later in the program.

  1. Walking counts. Even the best Kenyan marathoners start their season with plenty of walking. It’s a perfect active recovery tool and adds to your weekly mileage.

  1. Set the speed work for your current fitness not your goal race pace. When you decide to add speed work into the mix don’t be in a rush to move too far or too fast. There’s plenty of time for your body to adapt and improve. Little sprinkles of speedwork pay big dividends. Too much and we’ll end up back at the start.

As long as we stay patient and very gradually increase the volume, frequency and intensity of our training the results will come. Stringing consistent weeks together is much more important than starting off with a bang and fading away like a NYE firework!

Happy Running!