On the 18th August 2012, Nancy and Ian held their joint birthday celebrations at the Bankstown Sports Club. The invitations sent to guests requested that instead of giving gifts they make a donation to the Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF). Nancy’s husband died of lung cancer six years ago and she decided that in his memory she would like the donations to go to a good cause.
Nancy celebrated her milestone 60th birthday while Ian’s celebrated his 61st. The evening featured a magician who entertained the guests with a variety of tricks including vanishing playing cards and bending spoons with an Australian buffet style meal filling everyone up for dinner. The speeches included a toast by Nancy’s stepson, Jack, and a speech by Nancy’s girlfriend, Victoria, who has known her for 29 years.
The highlight of the evening came when Nancy and Ian announced their engagement and Ian placed an engagement ring on Nancy’s finger. The guests then danced to lively music provided by the DJ for the remainder of the evening.
We would like to say a big thank you to Nancy and Ian for choosing to support us on this special occasion and congratulate them on their engagement. Thanks to the generosity of their family and friends over $1,300 has been contributed to cancer research from this fantastic celebration!
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