Rachel joined #imovebeCAUSE to support cancer research
ACRF supporter, Rachel is tackling 200kms this June to fundraise for ACRF – with two small kids, this is no minor task! She is supporting cancer research in memory of her mum who passed away from cancer last year.
“I decided to take on #imovebeCAUSE and fundraise for cancer research in memory of my beautiful mum. She lived with myeloma for 10 years and passed away just before Christmas last year after being in the hospital for three long months. She is my reason! I want to fundraise through this great initiative so I can help others in her situation.
My mother was my best friend and my mentor. She was the bravest, strongest and most positive woman I have ever met. We had a very close relationship and I miss her every day.
Unfortunately, cancer has impacted me and my family a lot. Both my aunt and my mum passed away from cancer. And now my father in law currently has lymphoma. Family means everything to me, and cancer has taken away too many amazing people from us.
This is why cancer research is so close to my heart. It’s critical that we help put an end to all cancers. It’s a horrible disease that takes away way too many beautiful people and breaks people’s spirit. I hope that one day the world will be free of this awful disease, thanks to the amazing researchers who are working to make new discoveries and developments all the time.
I chose to fundraise for ACRF because I know that many new treatments and positive medical developments are made possible by wonderful ACRF supporters. ACRF is focused on trying to end all cancers. It’s important to me that all cancers are researched, not only the common and well-known cancers.
I would encourage others thinking about getting involved with the #imovebeCAUSE initiative to support cancer research because every donation counts. Big or small – it is making a difference and helping lifesaving research progress. Please support those who work so hard to try and better the lives of those who are living with cancer.
I’m so grateful for all the work ACRF does. It was heartbreaking seeing mum suffer, but one day in the future, thanks to cancer research fewer people will have to suffer.” – ACRF Supporter, Rachel
Sign up today to join Rachel and get moving in June to support research into all cancers.
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