Mark Gibbens’ motivation to walk 5300KM from Perth to Sydney, raising funds for cancer research, is a tribute to his close friend and mentor who died from cancer in 2007. It is also to honour all of the cancer patients (and their loved ones) that he has cared for as a nurse.
In addition to raising much needed funds, Mark has dedicated each day of his walk to people who have experience with cancer.
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Mark’s journey began in Perth on the 22nd February, and has finished in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.
As Mark walked across four Australian states, he chose a cancer charity in each state to be beneficiaries of his fundraising efforts.
The Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) was his chosen charity in New South Wales and Chief Executive, David Brettell, greeted Mark as he completed his journey at Sydney Children’s Hospital on Tuesday (May 19th).
The official finish was marked with a welcome morning tea at the nearby Children’s Cancer Instutute of Australia in Randwick (Sydney), attended by ACRF representatives and supporters, and cancer researcher Dr. Michelle Henderson.
Celebrating its 25th year, the ACRF has awarded $55 million in cancer research grants, two thirds ($37 million) in just the last five years.
Last year ACRF awarded a $3.1 million grant to the Children’s Cancer Institute Australia for a state-of-the-art drug discovery laboratory working on targeted cancer drugs to lessen the impact of chemotherapy on children and young adults.
Mark also raised funds in Western Australia for the Children’s Leukemia and Cancer Research Foundation, in South Australia for McGuinness McDermott Foundation and in Victoria for the Prostate Cancer Research Consortium.
Mark has undertaken a 3000km walk in Japan previously and raised awareness of the dangers of smoking.
Click here for Mark’s early insights on the WA/SA border.
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