
Big dollars for cancer research despite downturn

For twenty-five years the Australian Cancer Research Foundation has been funding world class cancer research right here in Australia. We have awarded, nationally, grants totalling $55 million for research into all forms of cancer. 2009 will be no different.

The Foundation’s Board of Trustees, advised by the ACRF’s distinguished Medical Research Advisory Committee (MRAC), is inviting grant applications from leading scientists for cancer research in Australia in the areas of:

  • Capital Works & Facilities
  • National Enterprises

Applications for seed funding for ambitious cancer research projects or programs involving multi-disciplinary teams or collaborations, together with evidence of the translational impacts of the research for patients, will be given favourable consideration. The research should meet a criteria of excellence by world class standards.

Click here for the New 2009 Cancer Research Grants media release and comment from Professor Ian Frazer, Chair of the Foundation’s MRAC.

First stage application closing date: Friday 8 May 2009