Steve’s Story
About 17 years ago, I shaved my head, moustache – and my legs! – to support a friend of mine, who sadly died from breast cancer.
Around the same time, I had a spot removed from my back which turned out to be a stage 3 melanoma, so I had a large section removed from my back. I thought I was all good until 2017, when I found out that I had a secondary brain tumour. It was removed by the wonderful team at the Royal Brisbane Hospital.
I was lucky enough to be one of the first people to trial immunotherapy for a year and had my thyroid removed late December 2019. I was in remission and going well until early February 2021, when I found out I had another brain tumour. This one had grown fast – from nothing in November 2020 to 20mm in February 2021.
I will be undergoing a new treatment at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, called a Gamma Knife, which will shrink and kill the tumour. I will then undergo more immunotherapy to get rid of a couple of small tumours near my spine.
Then I will be as good as new! Anything I can do to raise money to help is only a small thing compared to those who have done much more before me. Their support has allowed me to get the best and latest treatment to help me live a bit longer.
I shaved my head and my moe for ACRF through the Hair Dare and raised $650. My youngest son Michael has taken on the dare too and I’m very proud of him.
To learn more about how to shave, cut or colour for cancer research, head to