
Julie Organises Golf Day Fundraiser

We often read about the importance of listening to our body and to not neglect having health checks.  It is sound advice and something which I ignored until it was nearly too late.

In 2017, I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer and my doctor said a delay of another month would have meant less than a year to live. I’m happy to report that surgery was successful, and I have now been in remission for just over a year.

Experiencing first-hand the impact of cancer, I decided to get involved in raising awareness about bowel cancer and fundraising. I am hooked on golf and know the game is a great way to reach out to other people so a Ladies Golf Day was organised for September at the Glades Golf Course, Gold Coast.  Several other enthusiastic golfers joined me and the day was a huge success.  $4,000 in donations was collected for ACRF.  Plans are also confirmed for another golf fundraising event in December.

I am confident that scientific research will someday result in an enduring end to cancer.  In the meantime, please learn from me – don’t put off taking advantage of cancer checks!