
ACRF Garvan Unit for Molecular Genetics of Cancer

Dr Vanessa Hayes, Garvan Institute of Medical Research

Recent discoveries within this group utilising the technology within the ACRF Unit for Molecular Genetics of Cancer:

  1. The technology within the ACRF has greatly advanced our search for genetic markers of hormone receptor pathways that predispose men to prostate cancer.

In addition to the androgen receptor gene, six more genes have been assessed within our large Australian prostate cancer case-control study (nation-wide collaborative effort) and markers of predisposition have been identified.Both prostate cancer and male pattern balding are dependent on androgens (male hormones), thus implicating the androgen receptor gene in these male conditions.

  • Both prostate cancer and male pattern balding are dependent on androgens (male hormones), thus implicating the androgen receptor gene in these male conditions.
  • Male patterned balding (in particular the circular vertex pattern of balding) has previously been loosely associated with prostate cancer risk.
  • We found no overall association between genetic markers of this gene and prostate cancer risk (1,600 prostate cancer cases and controls), however we did observe a significant association with metastatic disease in 800 prostate cancer cases.
  • A highly significant association with male patterned balding was observed.
  1. We have identified a novel gene that is mutated within an Australian Family with early-onset (younger than 40 years of age) breast cancer and multiple infected cases within the family, providing a diagnostic tool for this family as well as a novel target gene for high-risk breast cancer families.


Branwen Morgan T: 02 9295 8112 Email: b.morgan@garvan.org.au

David Brettell T: 02 9223 7833 Email: criddington@acrf.com.au